Thank You Docents!
The King and Queen County Courthouse Tavern Museum honored its volunteer docents at a dinner Wednesday, June 20th at the King & Queen Woman’s Club. The 40 docents range in age from the teens to the nineties. Museum Council Chair, Nancy Herman-Thompson, and King & Queen County Historical Society President, John Spain, thanked the volunteers for their support, emphasizing that they make it possible for the Museum to open 100 days annually. In addition, they recognized the many other activities in which volunteers assist; such as customized group tours, inquiries (including some research), and care for the exhibits. All of the many individuals who contributed to the success of the event also received a thank you, especially The King & Queen County Women’s Club for catering the delicious meal in an extremely hot environment (the air conditioning was malfunctioning). A very special thank you was directed to Roberta Jones for organizing and to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hurst for funding the event. Featured guest, Mrs. Chowning of the Chowning Tavern in Williamsburg, brought greetings from her tavern and entertained the attendees with stories about daily life in colonial times. Colonial Williamsburg theatrical interpreter Courtney Hurt, daughter of Mike and Estie Thomas of Newtown, portrayed Mrs. Chowning.