Recent News
Virginia Women’s Monument Nomination
In March the King and Queen County Historical Society and Courthouse Tavern Museum in partnership with the J. C. Graves Museum were pleased to nominate Miss India Hamilton for the Virginia Women’s Monument commissioned by the Virginia General Assembly to commemorate the contributions of the women of Virginia. The monument will be located in Capital Read the full article…
School Activities – First Grade Visit
On Friday, April 22 Mrs. Randall’s first grade Lawson-Marriott Elementary School students toured the Museum and participated in hands-on activities that demonstrated the differences between current activities and those of long ago. They giggled as they hand-washed clothes, put them through a hand-cranked wringer, and hung them up. In the 1880’s Eastern View Schoolhouse they Read the full article…
Archives Building Renovated
The Historical Society is pleased to announce that the old Clerks office, now referred to as the Archives Building, has been completely renovated. The last major repairs were done in 1962. As with any 150 year old building the original project to repair damage caused by drainage problems and to remove asbestos in the flooring Read the full article…
School Activities – Civil War Presentations
Ms. Carol Lowry, a King and Queen Elementary School (KQES) teacher and King and Queen County Historical Society member, in cooperation with the King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Museum, made the Civil War era in King and Queen County come alive for the 4th and 5th grades at KQES on March 25 and for the Read the full article…
King Queen County School Board Thank You
On December 16, 2015 the King and Queen County School Board put forth a resolution thanking the King and Queen County Historical Society and the Courthouse Tavern Museum for their support of the school system.
The Newington Daylily
The “Newington” Daylily cultivar pictured below is offered by Dalton A. Parker, a Lumpkin descendant, born in Essex County, who now lives in Columbia, SC. Mr. Parker is a researcher genealogist and daylily hybridizer. With this lily he is promoting local King and Queen County history and contributing the proceeds to the King and Queen Read the full article…
Tavern Museum Closes For The 2015 Season
The Courthouse Tavern Museum is closed for the season and will reopen in March, 2016. The date will be posted by February. Hours are Fridays and Saturdays 10-4 pm. Sundays 1-5 pm. Closed on Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. The season closes mid-December. Be sure to visit us, a gem in a rural setting. Read the full article…
Courthouse Tavern Museum Holds Annual Open House 2015
On Sunday, December 6th, the King and Queen Historical Society Courthouse Tavern Museum held its annual open house on a glorious sunny, crisp day. In cooperation with the King and Queen School System a music program conducted by Mr. Fielding, music director, was the highlight of the event with approximately 24 seventh grade students from Read the full article…
Who Speaks For The River
On October 25th the King and Queen County Historical Society meeting was held on the banks of the Mattaponi River at historic Whitehall, a handsome brick mansion built before 1780. The group was welcomed by current owner Mrs. Margaret (Peg) Babyak. Ms. Dori Babyak Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shank spoke about the importance Read the full article…
Students Experience History
On Friday October 23rd., a beautiful fall day, approximately 25 Central High School juniors participated in a history tour arranged by Ms. Alice Sheley and Mr. Frank Hurst of the Tavern Museum Council in cooperation with Dr. Carol Carter, Superintendent of King & Queen County Schools, and Mr. Chuck Hudson, head of the history department. Read the full article…