Recent News
Museum Hosts New Teachers Luncheon
Annually the Tavern Museum holds a luncheon in August for new teachers and staff from the three county schools to introduce them to the Museum. Nancy Herman-Thompson, the chair of the Museum Council, welcomed them and summarized the types of support that the Museum can provide that complements curriculum objectives. Docents were available to assist Read the full article…
Historic District Proposed
The name Bruington (or Brewington) appeared early in King and Queen County history and survives in the name of a church, a dwelling, a village, and a road in the central area of the county. When Bruington Baptist Church began in 1790, a community grew up around it. By 1827 the houses titled Brewington, The Read the full article…
Vietnam Vet Seeks King and Queen Connection
Rene Muniz contacted King and Queen County offices looking for information regarding the Langford family and was given a contact number for the King and Queen County Historical Society. The Society and its Tavern Museum get requests for genealogy on a regular basis, but this was no ordinary request. Rene and his wife Karen planned Read the full article…
Tavern Museum Holds Docent Appreciation Dinner
Docents are a key component of the Courthouse Tavern Museum operations. In June the Museum Council recognized their valuable support with a delicious dinner catered by the King and Queen County Women’s Club. The Museum continues to seek volunteers and always appreciates their many contributions. Please contact the Museum if you wish to participate.
Society Awards Scholarships for 2017-2018
The King and Queen County Historical Society awarded two scholarships of $1000 per semester for the 2017-2018 school year, one each to Corey Edwards who will be attending Bridgewater College and to Khaila Nelson who will be attending the University of Mary Washington. These scholarships are supported through donations that can be made at www.kingandqueenmuseum.org Read the full article…
Newtown Historic District Featured on Garden Week Tour
Newtown in upper King and Queen County is one of the Garden Club of Virginia’s Historic Garden Week tours and was hosted by the Garden Club of the Middle Peninsula on Friday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is one of the historic districts on the National Register of Historic Places. In Read the full article…
The Civil War in King and Queen County
At the April 23, 2017 King and Queen Historical Society Meeting Ms. Carol Lowry gave a talk on “The Civil War in King & Queen County.” Ms. Lowry has taught in King & Queen County schools for many years and is currently teaching at King & Queen Elementary School. She lives at historic Mount Elba, Read the full article…
New King & Queen County Historical Society Board
At the April 23, 2017 King and Queen County Historical Society Meeting the Board for 2017-2018 was announced. President: John Spain Vice President: Cynthia Carter (announced at the July Meeting) Treasurer: Pat McLemore Recording Sec.: Biddie Shelor Corresponding Sec. (Membership & Publications): Page McLemore Director(Museum Council Chair): Nancy Herman-Thompson Director(Past President & Lewis Cemetery Committee Read the full article…
Museum Supports Life Long Learning
The Museum Council worked with the organizers of the Rappahannock Institute of Lifelong Learning (RILL) course “The Fascinating History of King & Queen County: Churches, Historic Homes, and More” to provide information and access to venues as well as docents for the tour of the Museum and Historic Courthouse Green. The course was attended by Read the full article…
Fossil Presentation to K&Q 4th and 5th Grades
On April 6, 2017 Museum Council member Newell Randall gave a presentation on fossils in King and Queen County to the 4th and 5th grades at King & Queen Elementary School. He encouraged students to discover what may be beneath their feet. Mr. Randall is creating a fossil exhibit to be displayed at the Tavern Read the full article…