Recent News
Tavern Opens For 2018 With New Hours
The museum opened for 2018 on Friday April 6. This year there are new hours of operation: Friday and Saturday 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day the Tavern Museum will be closed.
First Quarter King and Queen Historical Society Meeting – Jan. 28, 2018
The King and Queen County Historical Society will meet on Sunday, January 28, 2018 at King and Queen Court House in the new courts building at 3pm. The public is invited to attend. The speaker will be Mr. Newell Randall, retired from Carpenter Company, and now an active volunteer in the King and Queen community. Read the full article…
Museum Closes For The Winter
The Courthouse Tavern Museum is closed until late March. However, a request for a special appointment may be made via the Contact page.
2017 Holiday Open House
The King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Museum held its annual open house on Sunday afternoon December 3. Master of Ceremonies Newell Randall introduced students from Central High and the Fifth Grade at King and Queen Elementary School directed by Mr. Fielding, King and Queen County Schools music director, who entertained visitors with holiday music. Mr. Read the full article…
New Exhibits Open at Museum
In November, the Tavern Museum opened two new exhibits, Fossils in King and Queen County and the Archaeological Investigation of the Remains of Two Early 18th Century Vessels. The fossils being displayed were found in King and Queen County by Mr. Newell Randall, a long time resident of the county who has had a love Read the full article…
Historical Society Meets At Milton
Milton, the home of Mr. John Page Ball, was the venue of the Fall meeting of The King and Queen County Historical Society, on Sunday, October 22, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. Dr. Bruce M. Venter, author of Kill Jeff Davis, brought to life details of the Union Army’s famous cavalry raid on Richmond and the Read the full article…
Museum Sponsors Bus Trip To Historic Smithfield, VA
On Wednesday October 18, 2017 thirty Museum volunteers and friends took a bus trip arranged by Ellen White to the historic town of Smithfield, Virginia. Smithfield is a quaint river-port town located in Isle of Wight County and is known for its famous Smithfield hams and hospitality. Two tour guides provided an interesting and informative Read the full article…
Fossil Hunt
This fall (2017) long time fossil hunter, Newell Randall, led a group on a fossil hunt in King and Queen County to document a video segment for “Hidden Mysteries” produced by ABC Channel 8 News in Richmond. He was joined by reporter Amy Lacy, videographer Forrest Shelor, land owner Ricky Gwathmey, and Museum Council member Read the full article…
A Motorcycle Club Visits The Museum
On Saturday September 23rd fifteen motorcycle riders visited the Courthouse Tavern Museum. The group belonged to Local Cycle Events out of Middlesex County, a charity organization that visits historic sites. In August 2014 they had visited the Museum and were interested in a return visit. This was a memorial ride to honor Mr. Rob Richmond, Read the full article…
A Country Store Unveils A Community’s Daily Life
In Spring of 2017 the owners of the country store at Little Plymouth offered the Museum Council an opportunity to look for artifacts as part of cleaning out the store prior to its sale. As Council member Linda Barnes put it, “In early June, 2017 a ‘clean-out-crew’ of Council members arrived at the store to Read the full article…