Recent News
King & Queen Historical Society Meets At Aspen Grove
The fall meeting of the King & Queen County Historical Society is held at a historic location in the county. Aspen Grove, the home of Stacy and Hunter Richardson was featured on Sunday, October 28, 2018. The cool, sunny day was very welcome after so much heat and rain this fall and the crowd met Read the full article…
Zion Baptist Church Congregation Visits
On Sunday, August 26 after morning fellowship at Zion Baptist Church near King & Queen Court House over 36 members of the congregation led by Pastor Edgar T. Rawles, Minister Vera Ship, Minister Kimberly Holmes, Minister Trey Rawles, and Minister Jerone Davis toured the Museum and its campus. They found many exhibits of interest including Read the full article…
Museum Hosts New Teachers
On Tuesday, August 21 the Museum held its annual luncheon for new King and Queen County teachers and their mentors. On behalf of the Museum Council educator Linda Barnes welcomed the 30 attendees and noted how the Museum can supplement their classes. She wished them a successful year of teaching and learning and provided them Read the full article…
Archaeological History of the Powhatan Landscape Presented
At the 2018 Third Quarter King & Queen County Historical Society meeting, Dr. Martin Gallivan, professor in the Anthropology Department at the College of William and Mary spoke about the archaeological history of the Powhatan landscape, covering the archaeology and cultural history of Native societies in the Chesapeake. King and Queen County was in the Read the full article…
Thank You Docents!
The King and Queen County Courthouse Tavern Museum honored its volunteer docents at a dinner Wednesday, June 20th at the King & Queen Woman’s Club. The 40 docents range in age from the teens to the nineties. Museum Council Chair, Nancy Herman-Thompson, and King & Queen County Historical Society President, John Spain, thanked the volunteers Read the full article…
Taylor Family Visits
On June 9 the Museum hosted seventeen individuals attending the Taylor Family Reunion in Orange County. Most were from out-of-state, as far away as Missouri, Connecticut, and Australia. Led by Steve Taylor, they traveled to visit the Taylor sites in Caroline and King and Queen counties. Their ancestor James Taylor I held early colonial land Read the full article…
ACDS Students Have Fun Learning
On June 1 the Aylett Country Day School first through third grade students participated in an interactive demonstration of how certain tasks were performed prior to the availability of modern conveniences. Students hand washed and hung clothes, finding that there were no buttons to push on the “washing machine” or “dryer.” The nineteenth century schoolmistress Read the full article…
Courthouse Tavern Museum Hosts Lawson-Marriott Kindergarten
Kindergarten students from Lawson-Marriott visited the Courthouse Tavern Museum on April 24 and participated in interactive exercises to compare today’s activities with those of many years ago. To visualize living without electricity and plumbing, they viewed a bedroom that was lighted by oil lamps, bowls and a metal tub were used to bathe, and rope Read the full article…
History Beneath Our Feet at Tavern Museum Open House April 22
On April 22 from 2-5 PM, the Tavern Museum held an open house to formally introduce three new exhibits with the overall theme, “History Beneath Our Feet”. Two exhibits, Marine Fossils and 18th Century Vessel Remains, were installed fall 2017 and a collection of prehistoric tools and weapons just opened in 2018. The Marine Fossils Read the full article…
Museum Hosts VA Association of Counties Board
Ms. Sherrin Alsop, a King and Queen County supervisor and the president of the board of the Virginia Association of Counties (VACO), led VACO members on a tour of the Middle Peninsula after an April board meeting. VACO is the voice of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s counties that exists to represent, promote and protect the Read the full article…