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King and Queen Museum Reprints Louise Gray’s A Patchwork Quilt (October 2002)

Louise Eubank Gray’s collection of vignettes, titled A Patchwork Quilt, Lifestyle in King and Queen County, Virginia, 1910-1920, has been reprinted by the King and Queen County Courthouse Tavern Museum. There will be a reception and book signing to honor Mrs. Gray at the Museum on Sunday, October 27, at 4 pm, immediately following the Read the full article…

King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Goes High-Tech. (February 2002)

The Courthouse Tavern Museum at King and Queen Courthouse in King and Queen County is home to a variety of old treasures, but recently a very modern, high-tech item was acquired. It is a new touch-screen technology, which enables visitors to take a video tour of the Museum. A viewer may preview the parts of Read the full article…

King and Queen Opens Courthouse Tavern Museum May 13. (May 2001)

The King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Museum, located at King and Queen Courthouse, VA, will open to the general public for the first time on Sunday, May 13, from 1 to 5 pm. The Museum, a joint enterprise of King and Queen County and the King and Queen County Historical Society, features an acclaimed exhibit Read the full article…