Recent News
Genealogical Society Meets at the Museum
On Saturday October 11, the Middle Peninsula African-American Genealogical and Historical Society of Virginia (MPAAGHS) held its monthly meeting at the Courthouse Tavern Museum. All persons interested in African-American genealogy and history were invited to attend. MPAAGHS members were available to provide tips and “how to” guides for those interested in getting started on their Read the full article…
Museum Hosts County School Board
On Thursday October 9, the Courthouse Tavern Museum Council hosted its annual dinner for the King and Queen County School Board. The Museum is a cooperative partnership between the King and Queen County Historical Society and King and Queen County. It is a cultural center promoting county history and welcomes school class visits. The last Read the full article…
Courthouse Tavern Museum Volunteers Visit Lee Hall Mansion
On September 25th Courthouse Tavern Museum volunteers and their guests visited Lee Hall Mansion in Newport News, Virginia. Built in 1851 by affluent planter Richard Decauter Lee, no relation to the Lees of Northern Neck, this antebellum home is the last of its kind on the Virginia tidewater peninsula. J. Michael Moore, curator and local Read the full article…
King and Queen County Educators Visit Courthouse Tavern Museum
On Monday August 18, 2014 the King and Queen County School Board sponsored a luncheon at the King and Queen Courthouse Tavern Museum for new public school educators. Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Stanley B. Jones, and School Board Member, Brenda D. Lee, attended with 15 teachers and administrators from King and Queen Elementary School, Lawson-Marriott Read the full article…
King and Queen Historical Society Awards Scholarship
At the July meeting of the King and Queen Historical Society, scholarship chairman Biddy Walker, introduced Samantha Burrell this year’s recipient of one of the society’s two annual scholarships. Samantha, a 2014 graduate of Central High School, will be attending Christopher Newport University. She has an outstanding academic record, was active in sports and in Read the full article…
The Northern Neck Antique Car Club Visits
May 14, 2014, King and Queen Court House Historic Green District had an invasion of Classic Cars. The Northern Neck Antique Car Club had included King and Queen County in their 2014 Tour. The tour was organized by Wayne Burgess, National Director. Traveling in 50 antique cars about 120 owners visited the Mattaponi Baptist Church, Read the full article…
King & Queen Historical Society Meeting set for Sunday, April 27 at 3:00pm
The King & Queen Historical Society will hold its quarterly meeting on Sunday, April 27 starting at 3:00pm in the New Court House Building in King and Queen Court House, Virginia. Dr. Carl Lounsburg, member of the Architectural Research Department at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation since 1982, will speak on The Chesapeake House. This illustrated Read the full article…
Bulletin 115 Presents York River Brand Black Eye Peas & Politics
Bulletin 115 of the King and Queen County Historical Society of Virginia is now available. The primary topic “It’s Lucky to Eat York River Black Eye Peas On New Year’s Day” is an entertaining account of how this humble vegetable, grown in the county and canned in Walkerton under the York River brand during the Read the full article…
King and Queen Historical Society Meeting Set for Sunday, January 26 at 3:00 P.M.
The King and Queen Historical Society’s first meeting of 2014 will be held on Sunday, January 26 starting at 3:00 P.M. in the Old Courthouse Building located next to the Courthouse Tavern Museum. Mary Miley Theobald, a respected writer/historian, will speak about “The Roaring Twenties”, a unique decade of the Twentieth Century that careened from Read the full article…
The Courthouse Tavern Museum Closes Until Saturday, February 15, 2014
On Sunday December 15 the Courthouse Tavern Museum closed for the winter. The Museum will reopen Saturday, February 15 from 10am to 4pm. The February openings will be limited to Saturday February 15, Sunday February 16, Saturday February 22, and Sunday February 23. Hours on Saturday are 10am-4pm and on Sunday from 1-5pm. Our regular Read the full article…