Museum Hosts Central High Students
What goes on behind the scenes to keep a museum operating? This was the question posed to Victor Camara and Joe Smith at the beginning of their four-week project with the Courthouse Tavern Museum. In early April. the Museum Council had approved a request from Dr. Rob Wright of King and Queen County Public Schools to provide a work-study experience for the two Central High School seniors.
Working under the direction of Council members, the young men learned about the artifacts and archives held by the Museum, how they are accessioned, as well as the more mundane, but necessary work, such as sweeping exhibit areas and pulling weeds in the flower bed. They assisted with locating artifacts and matching them to accession numbers which is a very important part of Museum operations.
The young men knew very little of the upper end of the county, so on the last day of the experience, they were given a guided tour of the upper end of the county. They were taken along less traveled roads to the King and Queen-Caroline Counties’ line. They were amazed at the distance from King’s Store to the Museum.
The Museum Council was happy to work with Central High School to provide this opportunity for these students.