The King and Queen Historical Society and Tavern Museum welcome any donation of any size to help sustain its existence and support the specific projects that are undertaken to preserve county history. Although membership dues help defray some costs, the Society and Tavern Museum are dependent on gifts to keep operating. At times special requests for donations are made to ensure that important exhibits can be provided. Most recently, donations have contributed to the restoration of the 18th Century John Taylor sundial and the archaeological survey of the Donald Robertson School site. The Society also offers a small scholarship to two qualifying high school seniors to encourage them to continue their education.
An Endowment Fund has been established for the Tavern Museum to help sustain it in the future, although it is not yet large enough to ensure total sustainability.
Donations may be made in honor of a named person or in memory of a named person.
The Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) Corporation and donations are deductible as allowed by the Internal Revenue Code.
As you make a donation, check with your company’s “Employee Matching Gift” program to ascertain whether the program supports the “King and Queen Historical Society”. If not, please request that your company add the “King and Queen County Historical Society” to their database by providing the following information.
King and Queen County Historical Society
P.O. Box 129
King and Queen Court House, VA 23805
Email Address:
Tax ID:311713744
You may make an online contribution to any of three Funds:
Historical Society General Fund (operations expenses)
Tavern Museum Operations Fund (operations/project expenses)
Tavern Museum Endowment Fund (building a fund for sustainability)
Lewis Cemetery Fund

You may also donate by regular mail. Download the PDF application and mail it in.