King & Queen Historical Society Meets At Aspen Grove
The fall meeting of the King & Queen County Historical Society is held at a historic location in the county. Aspen Grove, the home of Stacy and Hunter Richardson was featured on Sunday, October 28, 2018. The cool, sunny day was very welcome after so much heat and rain this fall and the crowd met briefly outside before the program, a tour of the house, began. President John Spain welcomed three new members. In addition, he read a resolution recognizing the significant contributions to the HS and the Tavern Museum by member and volunteer Mrs. Anne Mitchell Motley Ryland who had recently passed away. The Richardson’s welcomed the visitors and gave a brief history of the house built in the early 19th century by Absalom Bland, Hunter’s third great- grandfather. During the tour Stacy and Museum docents provided more details about the house. Mrs. Duanne Massey Hawkins, a previous owner, related stories about her tenure and renovations made in the 1970s. Her daughters, Susan Carlton Fleet and Katherine Carlton Hagerty talked about growing up in the house. Classic southern refreshments were served.